Tag: “Creativity”

Getting Things Done - GTD

True Productivity Requires Proactivity

True Productivity Requires Proactivity

Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, as well as a Nazi concentration camp survivor, wrote the book Man’s Search for Meaning. In it, he analysed man’s capacity to overcome his difficulties from a psychiatric point of view. He explains that all human beings, unlike animals, have self-awareness and the ability to act on the basis of that awareness. This means that we’re capable of responding to a stimulus in a completely different way to what our instincts suggest and even to what we have been taught.

Personal Productivity

Routines Can Help Boost Your Productivity

Routines Can Help Boost Your Productivity

The word “routine” often has negative connotations for many people. To them it means doing things always in the same way and on the same schedule, boring things that limit their freedom and creativity.

Personal Productivity

What Walking Has to Do with Your Personal Productivity

What Walking Has to Do with Your Personal Productivity

Stoics recommended walking as a form of mental training to connect with the unconscious. Buddhists recommend walking for a higher, happier and healthier life. Many of the most brilliant minds throughout history found the ideas for which they are known in their walks.

Getting Things Done - GTD

The Culture of Distraction

The Culture of Distraction

We are at the moment in history in which human beings are more connected than ever. No previous generation has had to face a similar situation.

Getting Things Done - GTD

How to Make Your Ideas Happen, with the Help of GTD

How to Make Your Ideas Happen, with the Help of GTD

Although the good execution of an idea is essential for it to become a reality, the truth is that the root of all innovation — and of any creative work — is in an idea that someone had at a given moment and did not let it slip through the cracks.

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