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Changelog (January 2024)

Changelog (January 2024)

In the last few weeks we have made some minor changes and fixed some bugs. These are the most relevant changes:

Getting Things Done - GTD

Is GTD Still Relevant in 2024?

Is GTD Still Relevant in 2024?

GTD became very popular in the years following the publication of the book Getting Things Done by David Allen in 2001 and, although it no longer has the hype and expansion it had in its early years, it is a methodology that has firmly established itself as one of the best personal management systems.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Making It All Work

Making It All Work

To live an effective life we need to make things happen and, to do so, we should be able to engage with our world in a way that allows us to get the experiences we are looking for.

Personal Productivity

Master Your Calendar

Master Your Calendar

The calendar is a widespread organizational tool because everyone understands perfectly well what a calendar is. Calendars have always been with us. They were used by our parents and grandparents. When I was a kid, we had a calendar hanging on the kitchen wall where my parents wrote things to do on some of the days, and circled important events in red. I remember my grandfather had a similar calendar in his office, and he would religiously cross off each day that ended with a big “X”.

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