If everything goes as we expect, we will publish a good amount of improvements in FacileThings next weekend.
This will be the most important update in the entire process of redesigning the application, not because of the number of improvements it includes, but because the way of doing the most basic things changes: the navigation between options, the management of the lists and the task edition.
I am sure that the new users will find this new interface much more useful, intuitive and easy to use than the current one. Every detail has been thought to achieve that.
The users who already have been using the application for some time will probably need a couple of days to adapt to the changes before seeing the most important benefits. To give you an idea, here is a brief preview of what is to come. 1
To facilitate the adoption and use of the GTD methodology, the new navigation system will be based on the verbs of the five stages of its workflow. There will be the same options as always, but with a different distribution:
The new lists will show the most relevant information of the tasks. Each item will have a single point of entry: by clicking (or touching) on the item you will have access to all its information and options, gathered in a single place. On the right part of each item there will be a shortcut to the action that you will use most often:
Task Editor
Instead of editing the text of the task at one place, adding the reminder date at another one, attaching files using another option, etc., you will now have a task editor that gathers all the information and options that can be done in the same place:
1 As always, we will publish a detailed article with all the news and instructions on the day of the update.
Awesome, I can't wait!
Awesome, I can't wait!
Looks great guys!
Looks great guys!
These changes look most welcome, thank you
These changes look most welcome, thank you
Looking forward to the update!
Looking forward to the update!
A big thumb up!
A big thumb up!
Great work! I am really looking forward to this update!
Great work! I am really looking forward to this update!
Looks good :)
Looks good :)
Can’t wait! Updates look great!
Can’t wait! Updates look great!
Looks good - will the iOS apps also receive a refresh?
Looks good - will the iOS apps also receive a refresh?
Very nice. How is the Android app update coming along?
Very nice. How is the Android app update coming along?
Thank you guys! The iOS and Android apps update will come a little bit later.
Thank you guys! The iOS and Android apps update will come a little bit later.
Looks good! I like the idea of bringing all elements of the task together. Looking at the task editor screen, it would be really useful to be able to add date/time to a note
Looks good! I like the idea of bringing all elements of the task together. Looking at the task editor screen, it would be really useful to be able to add date/time to a note
I am wondering if the Dashboard module will remain. I do appreciate the ability to see the Calendar and Next Actions on the same screen, and the quick filtering of items for focus.
I am wondering if the Dashboard module will remain. I do appreciate the ability to see the Calendar and Next Actions on the same screen, and the quick filtering of items for focus.
@Joseph I think current (awesome) Dasboard will become Engage section.
@Joseph I think current (awesome) Dasboard will become Engage section.
Looks interesting. Waiting for the update...
Looks interesting. Waiting for the update...
Hi Paul, the time-stamping tool for the notes is already in our "someday" list ;)
Hi Joseph, don't worry. As Michał intuits, the Dashboard section remains under the Engage name.
Hi Paul, the time-stamping tool for the notes is already in our "someday" list ;)
Hi Joseph, don't worry. As Michał intuits, the Dashboard section remains under the Engage name.
Within the task, will you be able to re-order the checklist items?
Within the task, will you be able to re-order the checklist items?
Hi Aaron,
Yes, you'll be able to re-order the checklist items. There's a bunch of improvements we'll detail later ;)
Hi Aaron,
Yes, you'll be able to re-order the checklist items. There's a bunch of improvements we'll detail later ;)
Totally awesome! Can't wait ^^
Totally awesome! Can't wait ^^
Excellent. So very pleased to see FT continuing to mature and taking steps to further improve the user experience. This weekend cannot come fast enough...
Excellent. So very pleased to see FT continuing to mature and taking steps to further improve the user experience. This weekend cannot come fast enough...
Excited about the update! This may be related, but for the last two days when I click on "Lists" I get the "page doesn't exist" screen. This is true for the calendar, next actions, everything but the Dashboard it seems.
Excited about the update! This may be related, but for the last two days when I click on "Lists" I get the "page doesn't exist" screen. This is true for the calendar, next actions, everything but the Dashboard it seems.
Hi David,
That is usually a local browser's issue. If you delete the cookies from facilethings.com or restart the browser -- or both things -- it'll get fixed.
Hi David,
That is usually a local browser's issue. If you delete the cookies from facilethings.com or restart the browser -- or both things -- it'll get fixed.