
FacileThings: Utilities And Enhancements

AUTHOR: Francisco Sáez
tags Improvements

Yesterday we added a new Utilities section within the Account option, in which we will incorporate little tools to facilitate your work and organization with FacileThings.

Right now you can already find a couple of tools to help you better manage your tags:

  • Renaming a tag allows you to change the text of any tag in all the actions where that tag appears. Sometimes we choose a bad name for a tag, or we create more than one for the same concept because we do not remember which one we used the first time. This utility allows you to use better names you could not change for historical reasons and also to merge two or more tags that actually have the same meaning for you.

rename a tag

  • Deleting a tag allows you to remove a tag from all the items where it is at the moment. Although the tag disappears, the text of the tag stays—without the # symbol. Be careful, because this operation cannot be undone.

delete a tag

In the latest weeks we have also made ​​a couple of changes to improve the usability and performance of some sections of the application:

  • In the Projects section we changed the design of the Project List, so now it’s just a list that lets you select the project with which you will work, thus reducing considerably the loading time of the page. The information that was shown in each project on the list before, now appears in the header of the project, providing a better view of the entire project.

project list

  • In the Lists section we have included the possibility to filter stuff by tag and by person in each of the lists. This way you can also people as contexts in any type of action (“meeting with @peter”, “discuss with @peter the funding issue”). We have also improved the way these data are loaded, so that the lists get displayed more quickly.

filtering by tags and people

With these and other small changes we have managed to improve the performance of the application in two months, moving from an average Apdex (Application Performance Index) of 0.94 (good) to 0.97 (excellent).

Thank you all for your feedback!

Francisco Sáez

Francisco is the founder and CEO of FacileThings. He is also a Software Engineer who is passionate about personal productivity and the GTD philosophy as a means to a better life.

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One comment

Commented over 10 years ago Thomas Kirven

The enhanced capabilities to filter lists is great. Thank you!

avatar Thomas Kirven

The enhanced capabilities to filter lists is great. Thank you!

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