Hello everyone!
As usual, we will use the month of August to update technology and improve the performance of servers, databases, etc.
However, in a few days we will publish a new option for tag management that, in turn, will allow us to implement new types of tags in the future (you will see later what I mean by types of tags).
We are also finishing developing the routine management option in the mobile app. It will be available sooner than expected.
Finally, we are editing an ebook to help start implementing GTD with FacileThings (it’s a getting started guide). Although it is aimed at new users of the application, in September we will send a copy to all our users. You will surely find details that will help you in your day-to-day.
The development of the integration with Zapier is postponed until the return from vacation — there is no time for more things.
That’s all for now. Have a happy summer!
Hi! Any chance for an integration of iCal calendars sooner or later? Thanks, Andreas
Hi! Any chance for an integration of iCal calendars sooner or later? Thanks, Andreas
Hi Andreas,
We plan to integrate with iCal in the future, but it is not a high priority at the moment. It may take some time.
Thanks for your interest!
Hi Andreas,
We plan to integrate with iCal in the future, but it is not a high priority at the moment. It may take some time.
Thanks for your interest!
Hi Francisco,
Thanks for your reply. I will then check for some ways to sync my ical calendars with google.
Cheers, Andreas
Hi Francisco,
Thanks for your reply. I will then check for some ways to sync my ical calendars with google.
Cheers, Andreas