
June 2021: Here is where we are at

AUTHOR: Francisco Sáez
tags Newsletter Improvements Mobile App Integrations
June 2021: Here is where we are at

Hello everyone!

This month we have improved the integration with Google Calendar, so that recurring events are also synced with FacileThings.

This weekend we are going to publish the same improvement in the integration with Outlook Calendar. Recurring Outlook events will also sync with your FacileThings calendar.

During July and August we will focus on the development of multiple minor improvements that we will publish constantly, and on internal improvements. We will post a changelog on the blog so you are aware of all updates.

We will also update the Support section of the web application.

We continue to work on improving the mobile app, still focused on the same issues that I mentioned in the previous newsletter:

  • Filter for personal/professional actions,
  • Tickler file list.
  • Done list.
  • The Notes section of the actions will include, as in the web application, text notes, emails and Evernote notes simultaneously.
  • Design improvements in lists (focus area colors, collaborator pictures).
  • Small bug fixes.

That’s all for now!

Francisco Sáez

Francisco is the founder and CEO of FacileThings. He is also a Software Engineer who is passionate about personal productivity and the GTD philosophy as a means to a better life.

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Commented about 3 years ago Ivan

I am soooooooooooooo excited for recurring events to work from Office 365. Game changer for me! A few questions on that, will the functionality be any different from non recurring events? For example if I move an entry in FT does it move the one event or the entire occurrence? If I made a change in the text or associate with a project is that affecting individual or all events?

Do I need to do anything to enable this new functionality or it will just appear?

Really excited about the pace of development now, looks like lots of Next Actions getting checked off those lists :)

avatar Ivan

I am soooooooooooooo excited for recurring events to work from Office 365. Game changer for me! A few questions on that, will the functionality be any different from non recurring events? For example if I move an entry in FT does it move the one event or the entire occurrence? If I made a change in the text or associate with a project is that affecting individual or all events?

Do I need to do anything to enable this new functionality or it will just appear?

Really excited about the pace of development now, looks like lots of Next Actions getting checked off those lists :)

Commented about 3 years ago Francisco Sáez

Hi Ivan,

You won't need to do anything. When we update the system, all the Outlook calendars will be automatically re-synced and the recurring events will just appear.

Every time a recurring event is created in Outlook, the occurrences of the next three months will be synchronized with FacileThings, but only the the first one will be an actionable item (just like the routines). That way you can work with the next action, while having a complete view of your schedule in the coming months (you'll be able to see the non-active occurrences in the calendar views).

Any change in the active action will be synced with Outlook as any other event; of course, it will only affect that event, not the entire series.

You will not be able to modify in FT any occurrence that is not the next one in the series. But you will be able to modify it in Outlook and it will be synced correctly in FT.

Well, I think I've just written the blog post for the next week! :)

avatar Francisco Sáez

Hi Ivan,

You won't need to do anything. When we update the system, all the Outlook calendars will be automatically re-synced and the recurring events will just appear.

Every time a recurring event is created in Outlook, the occurrences of the next three months will be synchronized with FacileThings, but only the the first one will be an actionable item (just like the routines). That way you can work with the next action, while having a complete view of your schedule in the coming months (you'll be able to see the non-active occurrences in the calendar views).

Any change in the active action will be synced with Outlook as any other event; of course, it will only affect that event, not the entire series.

You will not be able to modify in FT any occurrence that is not the next one in the series. But you will be able to modify it in Outlook and it will be synced correctly in FT.

Well, I think I've just written the blog post for the next week! :)

Commented about 3 years ago John D

I totally agree with Ivan. This is a game changer. I no longer have as much friction getting all my obligations into FT. In the past, it was overwhelming trying to re-enter things into the app when they were already captured in other places. Now that things can be synced with my personal & work calendars in FT, I can trust that when a scheduled meeting I am invited to is changed it will be reflected in FT without me having to do it manually. This allows me to stay in the app more which allows me to trust my system even more.

Great job! I am really loving all of the improvements you are making.

avatar John D

I totally agree with Ivan. This is a game changer. I no longer have as much friction getting all my obligations into FT. In the past, it was overwhelming trying to re-enter things into the app when they were already captured in other places. Now that things can be synced with my personal & work calendars in FT, I can trust that when a scheduled meeting I am invited to is changed it will be reflected in FT without me having to do it manually. This allows me to stay in the app more which allows me to trust my system even more.

Great job! I am really loving all of the improvements you are making.

Commented about 3 years ago Carlos Herrera

As always, your simply the best!, thank for these improvements.

avatar Carlos Herrera

As always, your simply the best!, thank for these improvements.

Commented about 3 years ago Francisco Sáez

Hi John, Carlos: Thanks for the encouragement! :)

avatar Francisco Sáez

Hi John, Carlos: Thanks for the encouragement! :)

Commented about 3 years ago Paul Kunneman

Hi team! Great work on site & mobile app! Is there an apple watch extension in the backlog somewhere? I'd love to be able to have starred actions for example available on the watch for reference & completion. I'm sure it's a horrid capture and clarify tool, but pretty good for checking next actions and marking things completed!

avatar Paul Kunneman

Hi team! Great work on site & mobile app! Is there an apple watch extension in the backlog somewhere? I'd love to be able to have starred actions for example available on the watch for reference & completion. I'm sure it's a horrid capture and clarify tool, but pretty good for checking next actions and marking things completed!

Commented about 3 years ago Francisco Sáez

Hi Paul,

You're right. Now we're focused on improving the mobile app, but we will consider your suggestion.


avatar Francisco Sáez

Hi Paul,

You're right. Now we're focused on improving the mobile app, but we will consider your suggestion.


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