
May 2020: Here is where we are at

AUTHOR: Francisco Sáez
tags Newsletter
May 2020: Here is where we are at

Hello everyone!

During this month we have been working on several things:

  1. A major restructuring of the application’s core to improve the response speed in the presentation of the lists and the filtering of their items. This will imply a significant improvement in the overall performance of the system, since these activities account for more than 90% of normal use.
  2. A set of small improvements that will eliminate some friction points in the use of the application.
  3. New features in the FacileThings Blog to facilitate access to educational content (email subscription, better classification of articles with tags, search tool).
  4. New capture options in the mobile app (camera, gallery images, files, hand notes and audio notes).

When points 1 and 2 are complete, we will post a detailed changelog on the blog.

All these developments are already quite advanced and will surely be published throughout the month of June.

Next month we also plan to start with the redesign of the Perspective option. As always, many improvements will be included and will be detailed in the next newsletter.

That’s all for now!

Francisco Sáez

Francisco is the founder and CEO of FacileThings. He is also a Software Engineer who is passionate about personal productivity and the GTD philosophy as a means to a better life.

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Commented about 4 years ago Ivan

Great to hear! As you are working on the backend and you mention lists my one frustration that I find is getting to my "waiting for" list. Is there a simpler navigation way to get us there quicker? I do a morning sweep of my calendar and my waiting items to ensure I am following up. So I go from my next action I am currently in (I have a workday startup action and one item in the checklist is to checking waiting for) and exit that next action, click on lists, click on waiting, go back to home screen, go back into my workday startup calendar action... Lots of clicking around.

Some simpler way would be awesome!

I LOVE the new weekly review. That has been great!

avatar Ivan

Great to hear! As you are working on the backend and you mention lists my one frustration that I find is getting to my "waiting for" list. Is there a simpler navigation way to get us there quicker? I do a morning sweep of my calendar and my waiting items to ensure I am following up. So I go from my next action I am currently in (I have a workday startup action and one item in the checklist is to checking waiting for) and exit that next action, click on lists, click on waiting, go back to home screen, go back into my workday startup calendar action... Lots of clicking around.

Some simpler way would be awesome!

I LOVE the new weekly review. That has been great!

Commented about 4 years ago Cyrus

Good focus on areas of improvement. I appreciate the team looking to tighten down the application, both on the web and the mobile. New Features are always great and very welcome, but in the end, what all users want is a fast application that helps them get things done as productively as possible.

avatar Cyrus

Good focus on areas of improvement. I appreciate the team looking to tighten down the application, both on the web and the mobile. New Features are always great and very welcome, but in the end, what all users want is a fast application that helps them get things done as productively as possible.

Commented about 4 years ago Francisco Sáez

Hi Ivan, Cyrus,

Thanks for your encouragement!

Ivan, I've just written down your issue and we will try to think of some way to directly access the Waiting-for list.

avatar Francisco Sáez

Hi Ivan, Cyrus,

Thanks for your encouragement!

Ivan, I've just written down your issue and we will try to think of some way to directly access the Waiting-for list.

Commented about 4 years ago Arabella

Yay! Web app speed and more ways to capture on mobile are my top FT 'wants' right now!

I agree with Ivan that reaching the lists isn't as quick and simple as it could be yet. I hope you might consider additional keyboard shortcuts as a solution. I'm a fan of Gmail's navigation shortcuts – e.g. [G] then [I] = go to inbox; [G] then [C] takes you to contacts.

avatar Arabella

Yay! Web app speed and more ways to capture on mobile are my top FT 'wants' right now!

I agree with Ivan that reaching the lists isn't as quick and simple as it could be yet. I hope you might consider additional keyboard shortcuts as a solution. I'm a fan of Gmail's navigation shortcuts – e.g. [G] then [I] = go to inbox; [G] then [C] takes you to contacts.

Commented about 4 years ago Francisco Sáez

Hi Arabella,

Thanks for your suggestion about the shortcuts. We will surely study that possibility :)

avatar Francisco Sáez

Hi Arabella,

Thanks for your suggestion about the shortcuts. We will surely study that possibility :)

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