Hello everyone!
I hope you had a good summer and enjoyed a well-deserved vacation. Resting well is essential if you want to be more productive, a better professional and happier in your life. 😉
We are back with great enthusiasm and working hard on the new Natural Project Planning feature. The project is approximately 75% complete at this time.
We have finally completed the internal reconstruction of the mobile app and updated the version. Although this version does not contain very visible improvements, it works much better on the new iOS and Android operating systems, and is a great base on which to continue adding functionality.
The next new feature in the app will be the option to manage Agendas and Collaborators.
On the other hand, we are rewriting on the blog a description of the GTD methodology in a closer and less technical tone. Maybe you’d like to refresh your knowledge (and maybe find something you missed earlier). These are the articles published so far, in order:
- Coping with the Increasing Complexity of Life
- ‘Open Loops’ Should Not Be a Problem
- Personal Productivity Needs Control and Perspective
- The Fine Art of Managing Commitments
- To Properly Manage Your Stuff, Start Capturing It
That’s all for now!
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