
Email-To-Inbox Enhancements

AUTHOR: Francisco Sáez
tags Improvements Integrations

Today we have updated FacileThings with some enhancements that will make the use of emails more useful and manageable. From now on, when you send an email to the FacileThings Inbox, you will see the email content in its original format 1, HTML in most cases:

item with HTML email

Also, if it is a forwarding of an email you received, the original sender is identified, allowing you to reply to the original email from within FacileThings. For that, you just need to click on the reply to section 2. FacileThings will open your default email program and prepare the response email:

reply to the email from within the app

We have also changed Routines management so that, in case of generating repetitive tasks from an item that comes from an email, you’ll see the original content of the email in all those tasks.

1 These improvements affect only the emails you receive from now.

2 In fact, once an email is forwarded there’s no way of knowing who was the original sender. However, most email programs add to the end a text indicating the sender, date and all or part of the content. FacileThings tracks this data to find out who sent the email initially.

Othe Minor Changes

  • The integration with Evernote has been modified so the notes in FacileThings continue to be updated although they are moved to another Evernote notebook.
  • A minor error that occurred under certain circumstances when parsing the :day command has been fixed.
  • The recognition of tags (#) and people (@) has been improved when they’re are preceded by some punctuation characters (parentheses, period, comma, semicolon)
Francisco Sáez

Francisco is the founder and CEO of FacileThings. He is also a Software Engineer who is passionate about personal productivity and the GTD philosophy as a means to a better life.

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Commented almost 8 years ago Robert

Thank you so much for this feature! I was doing a somewhat painful workaround by forwarding my email to the Inbox to process the task and moving the email to a folder to respond to it once it had been processed. Great improvement!

avatar Robert

Thank you so much for this feature! I was doing a somewhat painful workaround by forwarding my email to the Inbox to process the task and moving the email to a folder to respond to it once it had been processed. Great improvement!

Commented almost 8 years ago Francisco Sáez

Hi Robert, so glad you find it valuable. :)


avatar Francisco Sáez

Hi Robert, so glad you find it valuable. :)


Commented almost 8 years ago Taher

Wow... excellent... Keep it up all good work... thanx..

avatar Taher

Wow... excellent... Keep it up all good work... thanx..

Commented almost 8 years ago Steve Parker

Wonderful improvements. Thanks!

avatar Steve Parker

Wonderful improvements. Thanks!

Commented almost 8 years ago Tom

Hi Fancisco, I like this feature however I've found that I have been unable to edit the notes that come from forwarded emails. There have been a few cases where I'll forward FacileThing inbox an email in GTD fashion and upon my Processing, will want to add additional notes to the task it requires but can't. Is there a way around this or am I missing something?

avatar Tom

Hi Fancisco, I like this feature however I've found that I have been unable to edit the notes that come from forwarded emails. There have been a few cases where I'll forward FacileThing inbox an email in GTD fashion and upon my Processing, will want to add additional notes to the task it requires but can't. Is there a way around this or am I missing something?

Commented almost 8 years ago Francisco Sáez

Hi Tom,

Yes, the downside of having HTML emails is that you can't edit them with a simple text editor. We'll allow users to add more "notes" tabs in the near future.

In the meantime you have to settle with the 255 characters of normal text. Sorry for that.

avatar Francisco Sáez

Hi Tom,

Yes, the downside of having HTML emails is that you can't edit them with a simple text editor. We'll allow users to add more "notes" tabs in the near future.

In the meantime you have to settle with the 255 characters of normal text. Sorry for that.

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