Hello everyone!
Although August is a month that we dedicate more to handle internal things than to code, this month we have published a couple of improvements:
- We have modified the way to import tasks and projects, to avoid a technical problem with long descriptions and facilitate the use of templates for repetitive or similar projects.
- We have added the ability to use the Markdown markup language in the FacileThings notes editor, so you can format your notes.
In the coming weeks we will work on improving the server performance and the integration with Evernote.
As for the mobile app, we will work to improve the Capture stage. We will update the design to improve its usability, and we will include the possibility of attaching files from your phone.
That’s it for now!
Please completely fix the syncing issues from the phone. This is probably the major issue with the entire application right now -- the ability to 100% trust the system. I can deal with visual design issues, but I can't deal with not trusting that my system will be accurately synced between the web app and the phone. Please fix this once and for all.
Please completely fix the syncing issues from the phone. This is probably the major issue with the entire application right now -- the ability to 100% trust the system. I can deal with visual design issues, but I can't deal with not trusting that my system will be accurately synced between the web app and the phone. Please fix this once and for all.
Hi Ziyad,
You are totally right, and I know it can be frustrating. Unfortunately, it only happens to some users and in certain circumstances that don't seem to follow a pattern, which makes it difficult to find the root of the problem. I assure you that we are working on it and we won't rest until the issue gets fixed.
Hi Ziyad,
You are totally right, and I know it can be frustrating. Unfortunately, it only happens to some users and in certain circumstances that don't seem to follow a pattern, which makes it difficult to find the root of the problem. I assure you that we are working on it and we won't rest until the issue gets fixed.
Dear Francisco,
If you are working on the Evernote integration, could you please enable the use of one notebook as Reference for several projects at once? The integration is already amazing though :)
Thank you!
Dear Francisco,
If you are working on the Evernote integration, could you please enable the use of one notebook as Reference for several projects at once? The integration is already amazing though :)
Thank you!
100% agree with the above. An evernote notebook might be associated with a goal and multiple projects. It would also be cool to link to a dropbox folder rather than file
100% agree with the above. An evernote notebook might be associated with a goal and multiple projects. It would also be cool to link to a dropbox folder rather than file
Hi Emil,
Sharing a notebook in different projects is not planned at the moment (it would force the entire structure of the integration to be modified), although we plan to study it in the future.
However, we will facilitate the way to send Evernote notes to the FacileThing Inbox so that the notes that can be shared by several projects can be processed as general Reference Material in a simple way. This should help ;)
Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi Emil,
Sharing a notebook in different projects is not planned at the moment (it would force the entire structure of the integration to be modified), although we plan to study it in the future.
However, we will facilitate the way to send Evernote notes to the FacileThing Inbox so that the notes that can be shared by several projects can be processed as general Reference Material in a simple way. This should help ;)
Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi James,
The Dropbox file picker doesn't allow to pick the entire folder, but there's a workaround. You can link a Dropbox folder to any item just by creating a share link in Dropbox for the folder (using the "share" option), and then pasting that link into the item.
Hi James,
The Dropbox file picker doesn't allow to pick the entire folder, but there's a workaround. You can link a Dropbox folder to any item just by creating a share link in Dropbox for the folder (using the "share" option), and then pasting that link into the item.
Another comment: could you please add a "New Action" button to the "Engage" page? Often I'll finish an action and realize these is some follow-up which needs recording, or I'll have a new Waiting for which I know exactly where it needs to go, but I can't easily add it without going into a Project screen, clicking "New Action", and assigning it to another/no project. With this feature FT would basically be perfect :)
Another comment: could you please add a "New Action" button to the "Engage" page? Often I'll finish an action and realize these is some follow-up which needs recording, or I'll have a new Waiting for which I know exactly where it needs to go, but I can't easily add it without going into a Project screen, clicking "New Action", and assigning it to another/no project. With this feature FT would basically be perfect :)
Hi Emil,
The “Capture” option (CTR-1) is your “New Action” button everywhere ;)
Please, use the Support tickects to tell us about these things. Let’s leave the blog comments for things strinctly related to the post. Thanks!
Hi Emil,
The “Capture” option (CTR-1) is your “New Action” button everywhere ;)
Please, use the Support tickects to tell us about these things. Let’s leave the blog comments for things strinctly related to the post. Thanks!