Getting Things Done - GTD
Basic GTD: Processing Guidelines
AUTHOR: Francisco Sáez
There are 3 basic rules you should follow if you want that the Processing Stage to fulfil its mission properly:
- The first item first. Even if the first item is a nonsense and the second is something really important, all stuff should be processed equally. If you go jumping to what you feel like processing, you will get used to avoid dealing with certain things, and the system will not work.
- One item at a time. When you are processing an item, you should be totally focused on it. Resist the temptation to look at other items or anything else that looks more attractive. You need to pay full attention to each item to make the right decision, and thus leave all the Inbox items well processed.
- Nothing goes back to the Inbox. This rule reinforces the other two. If you fall into the habit of returning things to the Inbox to process them again, you will never strive to process stuff properly, what for? And making decisions will not be so important.
Process one thing after another, pay due attention to each one and do not return any of them to the initial situation. Process like a champ.
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