
February 2025: Here Is Where We Are At

AUTHOR: Francisco Sáez
tags Newsletter Integrations
February 2025: Here Is Where We Are At

Hello everyone!

In the last few weeks we have released a new FacileThings integration with Zapier. We will soon publish an update with some improvements you have requested (filters by list types, tags and collaborators).

In a few days we will publish a new feature that I hadn’t mentioned before. It is the option to annotate values ​​in actions through certain tags so that they can be analyzed over time. A basic use case would be the freelancer who needs to annotate the cost of each job or the billable hours (for example, "web page design #billable 8.5"), although there are many other use cases. We will publish an article about this next week.

We are continuing to work on the new FacileThings application. It will have important benefits:

  • Offline operation: The local-first architecture we are using will allow you to work even when there is no internet connection.
  • Great performance: By storing a copy of your data locally in the browser, access to the server is minimized and the resulting interaction is very fast.
  • Reactivity: The new app will be fully reactive. This means that if you open two sessions in two different browser tabs (or on two computers, or on a computer and a mobile phone, etc.), each update you make in one session (creating a task, editing an action, etc.) will be immediately reflected in the other, without the need to refresh the page.

This architecture will also facilitate future expansion to mobile platforms and desktop applications, and will allow the integration of AI agents.

The development of the application will go through three stages (alpha, beta, and production). In the current stage, alpha, only the development team and a very small group of users will have access to it. The objectives of this stage are: to confirm the viability of the selected architecture (offline use and data synchronization), validate the basic functionality (GTD workflow), receive early feedback from users, and identify critical bugs.

We have also created a survey to better understand what you expect from FacileThings and to be able to apply it to the new application. Some of you have already received it, and the rest will receive it gradually in the coming weeks. My thanks to those who have taken part of their time to answer this survey. 🙏

That’s all for now!

Francisco Sáez

Francisco is the founder and CEO of FacileThings. He is also a Software Engineer who is passionate about personal productivity and the GTD philosophy as a means to a better life.

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Commented about one month ago Paolo

👏👏👏 these are really great news!

For me local first is especially valuable because I've really bad connection at my workplace!

avatar Paolo

👏👏👏 these are really great news!

For me local first is especially valuable because I've really bad connection at my workplace!

Commented about one month ago Marc Herpoux

I’m waiting for this ‘FacileThings’ app with a lot, a lot of impatience!! 😉

avatar Marc Herpoux

I’m waiting for this ‘FacileThings’ app with a lot, a lot of impatience!! 😉

Commented 29 days ago Michał

Great news! I didn't think the work on new FT application was that advanced. I'm very interested in new tag values. By the way, I like how FT handles % of completed tasks as well as estimated time to finish. I was wondering if it can be added to backlog an idea about setting custom golas, eg. money, distance or other metrics. I found an example of this in an app called Griply.

avatar Michał

Great news! I didn't think the work on new FT application was that advanced. I'm very interested in new tag values. By the way, I like how FT handles % of completed tasks as well as estimated time to finish. I was wondering if it can be added to backlog an idea about setting custom golas, eg. money, distance or other metrics. I found an example of this in an app called Griply.

Commented 28 days ago Francisco Sáez

Paolo, Marc, Michał, thanks for your comments! :)

Michał, I think that the new way to record customized metrics with value tags will help setting those kind of goals. We might need to add some sort of tracking tool though. I've just noted down your suggestion.

avatar Francisco Sáez

Paolo, Marc, Michał, thanks for your comments! :)

Michał, I think that the new way to record customized metrics with value tags will help setting those kind of goals. We might need to add some sort of tracking tool though. I've just noted down your suggestion.

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