Hello everyone!
This month we have published the new mobile app and now we are making some adjustments and solving small problems. There will be new updates in the coming weeks.
As for the web application, this month we have published a list of small improvements and we have begun to work on the redesign of the Weekly Review.
As always when we redesign a section, it is not just a visual change, there will also be improvements, such as the possibility of including customized notes in each of the review steps.
The redesign of the Weekly Review will take longer than usual. This is the most complicated option of FacileThings because it includes virtually all the other options (capture, clarify, lists, projects, etc.). We will inform you about the progress ;)
That’s all for now!
This is excellent news - the new app is great and the new Weekly Review is looking fabulous. Keep up the good work! :D
This is excellent news - the new app is great and the new Weekly Review is looking fabulous. Keep up the good work! :D
Thanks for the update! The new app is fantastic as it is fully usable! One minor thing though is I would love if I could long press on the icon to quickly capture a new item. I know ios supports the long press and that would make capturing things a lot quicker. So happy with it though! Thanks again!
Thanks for the update! The new app is fantastic as it is fully usable! One minor thing though is I would love if I could long press on the icon to quickly capture a new item. I know ios supports the long press and that would make capturing things a lot quicker. So happy with it though! Thanks again!
Emil, Ivan, thanks for the encouragement!
Ivan, we plan to enhance the Capture stage of the app in several ways. We'll investigate if specific iOS behaviour can be implemented in hybrid apps like ours.
Emil, Ivan, thanks for the encouragement!
Ivan, we plan to enhance the Capture stage of the app in several ways. We'll investigate if specific iOS behaviour can be implemented in hybrid apps like ours.
Looking forward to the weekly review redesign!
I'd like to second Ivan's request for iOS-specific features like long-press from home screen to capture. The new app is fabulous. So glad I found FT!
Looking forward to the weekly review redesign!
I'd like to second Ivan's request for iOS-specific features like long-press from home screen to capture. The new app is fabulous. So glad I found FT!
Thanks, Arabella! :)
Thanks, Arabella! :)