Personal Productivity
Why Coworking Is A Solution For Increased Productivity
AUTHOR: Rilind Elezaj
Co-working is the newest trend in both freelance and mainstream working. It is a form of office setting that allows people to work together within a common space, but not necessarily on the same project. The workers are primarily independent of each other, but they can always consult, inspire, and motivate each other when the need arises. But does this have any positive impact on productivity?
Here are 5 proven ways through which co-working boosts productivity.
1. Seamless flow of ideas
When you work around other like-minded professionals, some of those who have very unique skills and talents, you are able to tap into their knowledge whenever you get stuck. And because you have enough people to consult within the co-working space, you will not need to step out of the office to get professional advice, empowerment, or inspiration. That minimizes time wastage.
Co-working also means brainstorming and learning new things every day from your differently skilled co-workers. In the long run, you become knowledgeable, creative, and eventually an industry-leading expert. That expertise will come in handy later in your professional life- You will be completing projects faster than usual by leveraging the skills you are gaining today.
When ideas flow seamlessly between professionals working on the same project, everyone is able to focus solely on the areas in which he/she is adequately skilled. As a result, the chances of committing costly mistakes dwindle, so less time is wasted in fixing errors and addressing problems.
2. Happier people, more productivity
About 30% of America’s workforce today is made up of millennials. These are workers who greatly value friendships and close workplace relationships. Studies show that between 75% and 90% of coworkers love the personal connections that coworking makes possible, they feel more engaged and motivated to work and feel less lonely. All those positive reactions put together make co-working the key to employee happiness, which consequently boosts productivity.
In the same vein, coworkers get a strong sense of belonging when they socialize. These professionals become friends; their lives are interconnected in a special way, making the workplace more and more like home. It is this sense of belonging that gives people the motivation to report to work earlier than required and extend beyond their specified working hours.
3. Humanizing employees
Sometimes when employees work in restrictive cubicles, they tend to forget that they work within one big team and that their teammates are people too. That is why a manager riding on a high horse will set humanely unachievable targets for his juniors, expecting them to work like programmable software. But when employees work in an open office, even the bosses get to understand the pains and struggles that their employees go through to make ends meet. The employees, on the other hand, understand that the bosses are humans too with feelings and expectations just like anyone else.
This understanding enables executives to help their employees grow professionally while, on the other hand, the employees see the need to work harder in order to impress the bosses. In the end, everyone becomes optimally productive.
The good thing is that in case of any workplace misunderstandings- be it between colleagues or between an employee and a boss, a life coach can always help you get the clarity you need to overcome the challenges you are facing. Of course, it is normal for people who work together or live together to have ideological differences, but these challenges are easier to deal with in the workplace whenever a reputable professional coach is engaged.
4. Enhances work-life balance
If you are a freelancer who works from home, then you probably understand how difficult it is to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Sometimes you want to concentrate on your professional duties, but your kids or pets have different ideas. People who work in small cubicles are also prone to distractive work-life interactions. Due to loneliness and boredom, they find themselves thinking of the problems they left at home, consequently affecting their overall productivity.
With co-working, there isn’t any room for negative home thoughts because of the high-intensity brainstorming involved. That is a positive step towards attaining the much-needed work-life balance.
5. Co-working is naturally stimulating
This isn’t scientifically proven, but everyone agrees that it is valid: Working in an environment filled with other working people will most likely stimulate you to work more. The sight of busy people, the sound of people consulting one another, and the feeling of fulfillment that comes with helping a stuck coworker… all these will inspire productivity.
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