FacileThings provides you with a complete system ready to organize everything (tasks, projects, information, future actions, contexts, events, contacts) of all your areas of interest (work, family, leisure, etc.). Put everything in its place and FacileThings will show you what is relevant at all times.

Here you have to put only the events that necessarily take place in a specific day or time.
Next Actions
These are the actions you need to get done as soon as possible, without a specific date. If you want this list to be useful, you must indicate in every action the context in which it should be performed.
If you need more than one action to get a result, create a project where you can add the necessary action steps to achieve the final result.
Waiting For
The actions you delegate to other people or entities are still your responsibility. You can track their progress in this list.
Reference Material
Images, videos, texts, links... Saving everything that can help you getting things done will allow you to focus and therefore develop your projects.
Someday / Maybe
This is the incubator. Here you should put the stuff that is not important now, but you want to revisit in the future.