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The Engage stage

The main objective of the Engage stage is to help you choose the next action to get done, making the best possible decision. It basically helps you answer the question What can I do now? and it is based on the GTD’s four-criteria model.

Your Daily Review, at a glance

Here you will only see the actions to be carried out in the very short term. First look at the today’s Calendar. There you must have the mandatory actions and events for the day. When you don’t have anything scheduled in the Calendar, look at your Next Actions list and filter what actions you could be doing at the moment, according to the context in which you are and to your available time and energy.

engage stage

The left panel shows you the actions of your Calendar for today while the one on the right shows you the whole list of Next Actions.

At the end of the today’s Calendar you will also see the actions and events that are pending from previous days. If they are finished, set them as “done”. If not, you should change their date or, better, consider removing the date so that they become “next actions”.

To edit an action, simply click on it. To set a task as “done” you do not need to edit it, just use the icon that appears to their right.

You can hide one of the two lists, if you need to concentrate better on the other.

In the items of the Next Actions list you have a small star-shape icon that allows you to mark those actions on which you prefer to focus now. A similar but larger icon, at the top of the list, allows you to filter the marked actions, for a beffer focus.

Choose the next action

By clicking on “What to do now?” the tool to select the next action will show up:

choosing tool

You will see a list with all the contexts available in your Next Actions list (tags and people). Select the one you are interested in at this time and add available time and energy criteria if necessary. Action filtering is immediate.

You will not overlook anything

To help you maintain good productive habits, the left panel will show you reminders to do the Weekly Review or clarify your actions when needed, and instructions to keep your system up to date.

The Reminders Panel will show you information that may be relevant to your daily activity:

  • If you have not done the Weekly Review for too long.
  • If you have several stuff in the Inbox and you have not processed it for some time.
  • If you have notifications you have not seen yet.
  • If there are projects or goals with due dates nearby.
  • If you have delegated actions with due dates nearby.
  • If you have incubated stuff you need to be reminded.

Work with perspective

For your daily actions to be meaningful, they must be related to what is important to you. It is important that you be able to align your daily tasks with higher values.

The lower left panel can be toggled between various motivational views by clicking one of the dots that appear (by default, to the right of “Done Actions”) — choose the one that motivates you most. The views are:

  • Done Actions: It shows the actions you are completing throughout the day and in the previous days. The effect of “crossing tasks off” can be an important motivation when you are focused on the tasks of the day.
  • Areas of Responsibility: It shows how you are distributing your time among the different aspects of your life. This chart can motivate you more when you are looking for a better balance in your life.
  • My Purpose: Having your purpose present at any time will motivate you to get things done from a higher perspective.

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