Tag: “Weekly Review”

Getting Things Done - GTD

To Be Productive, You Need Structure

To Be Productive, You Need Structure

You are working on an activity that you are stuck on, or that you don’t feel like continuing to work on because you don’t have the right mindset at the moment, or you simply don’t have the energy to continue working on it. There are two things you can do: rest or switch tasks.

Getting Things Done - GTD

8 Tips to Implement GTD Successfully

8 Tips to Implement GTD Successfully

Getting Things Done is a personal productivity method that is easy to learn as everything it teaches is common sense, yet it can be difficult to put into practice, at least at first. There are a number of habits you need to implement, and creating habits you don’t have can be hard.

Getting Things Done - GTD

The Someday/Maybe List: Your Personal Productivity Storage

The Someday/Maybe List: Your Personal Productivity Storage

In the business world, stocks are a common pool or resource holding tank, a collection of goods that are kept somewhere until someone takes them out and gives them the use for which they were created. A spare parts warehouse is the most common example. A checking account is another example of stock: a monetary fund waiting to be used.

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