Tag: “Mental Health”

Personal Productivity

Transforming Overwhelming Feelings into Calm and Confidence

Transforming Overwhelming Feelings into Calm and Confidence

Feeling overwhelmed by commitments is a growing issue many face globally, affecting both personal and professional life. A survey by Mental Health UK revealed that 91% of UK adults experienced high stress levels at work last year. This trend isn’t limited to one region but is observed worldwide, with varying effects based on age and gender. This article will guide you on turning chaos into calm through efficient personal management strategies, especially relevant today as we navigate remote and hybrid work environments.

Personal Productivity

How Your Emotions Impact Your Personal Productivity, and Vice Versa

How Your Emotions Impact Your Personal Productivity, and Vice Versa

A couple of decades ago I made the worst financial decision of my life. I invested almost all of my savings in a company that went bankrupt a few months later. Although at the time it seemed like a fairly rational decision (although not without risk), the truth is that it wasn’t. I made that decision in a moment of euphoria, just after I had made a small amount of money with a similar investment shortly before.

Personal Productivity

The Benefits of Establishing Routines

The Benefits of Establishing Routines

Setting routines is sometimes a controversial topic. There are people who love to have a solid structure to move through their day-to-day lives, and there are people – especially artists and people with very creative jobs – who don’t like to have any kind of strict schedule that might constrain their creativity.

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