Category: “Getting Things Done - GTD”

Getting Things Done - GTD

Project Management with GTD

Project Management with GTD

Project management is a very easy and powerful component of GTD. However, it’s a bit confusing and it is sometimes used incorrectly. People used to using simple to-do lists don’t really know how to define and manage their projects, and those who have experience in project management in the business world try to use the same approach that is already familiar.

Getting Things Done - GTD

19 Science-Backed Hacks to Improve Productivity [Infographic]

19 Science-Backed Hacks to Improve Productivity [Infographic]

We’re constantly striving to make the most out of our workday, but that doesn’t always mean working extra hours. If you find ways to boost your productivity, you work smarter instead of longer and harder. There are many small factors that influence productivity, from your work environment to your break habits. Did you know that the presence of plants has been found to increase worker productivity up to 15% or that taking a break to look at cute pictures can increase concentration tasks by 44%?

Getting Things Done - GTD

How to Choose Your Productivity Tools

How to Choose Your Productivity Tools

Everyone likes tools. Tools excite us. They empower us. They slow us down. A tool that is not sharp doesn’t allow you to do so much. A very sharp tool allows you to stab yourself.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Changing Attitudes

Changing Attitudes

Whenever a FacileThings user cancels his subscription, or simply doesn’t renew it, I try to find out the reasons. If they answer my email and the reason is something that is not working properly, or it’s not easily understood or they just don’t like it, it becomes an opportunity for me to improve the service and avoid that other users end up with the same (bad) experience. However, one of the most usual answers I get is something like “using the application meant doing things in a different way than I am used to”.

Getting Things Done - GTD

The Importance of Next Actions

The Importance of Next Actions

In GTD we name those things we have captured and are still not processed as “stuff”. And we do it on purpose, to denote their abstract nature, since we haven’t yet paused to think what they really are—although we may have a preconceived idea. Then, when you are processing or clarifying your stuff, the key question is “Is there any action required?”

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