Tag: “Work & Life”

Getting Things Done - GTD

How to Manage Your Personal and Professional Life Effectively

How to Manage Your Personal and Professional Life Effectively

If you are like me, you’ve probably learned to organize and manage your life through your intuition, listening to some advice, trying things, getting some things wrong and others right, until you have found a system that more or less works for you.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Focus On What’s Important! But What Is Important?

Focus On What’s Important! But What Is Important?

Although we are in an era in which we have tools that make us productive enough to reduce a good part of our work and allow us to dedicate ourselves to more important things (including those things that have nothing to do with our work, such as leisure, family, or friends), we insist on changing the social rules so that spending most of our time working will always continue to be the normal thing to do.

Getting Things Done - GTD

To Be Productive, You Need Structure

To Be Productive, You Need Structure

You are working on an activity that you are stuck on, or that you don’t feel like continuing to work on because you don’t have the right mindset at the moment, or you simply don’t have the energy to continue working on it. There are two things you can do: rest or switch tasks.

Personal Productivity

Get Ready to Be Productive

Get Ready to Be Productive

Everyone has things to do. At home and at work, personal and professional. And everyone has a particular way of remembering what things they have to do. Some write them down on a piece of paper, others enter them into a mobile app, others rely on their memory, and others use a combination of different methods.

Personal Productivity

Goals Based on Your Purpose, or on Benefits?

Goals Based on Your Purpose, or on Benefits?

You have probably already returned from your holydays and have been thinking about your goals for this new year, both personally and professionally. If so, congratulations! Defining your goals is an important incentive to achieve results in life.

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