Category: “Getting Things Done - GTD”

Getting Things Done - GTD

What Are Your Next Actions?

What Are Your Next Actions?

Those of us who use GTD as a personal organization system start by capturing or collecting in a trusted place everything we think we need to do something about. A trusted place is one that allows us to consult or retrieve that information at any time; it can be a notebook, a smartphone, a web application, etc.

Getting Things Done - GTD

The Someday/Maybe List: Your Personal Productivity Storage

The Someday/Maybe List: Your Personal Productivity Storage

In the business world, stocks are a common pool or resource holding tank, a collection of goods that are kept somewhere until someone takes them out and gives them the use for which they were created. A spare parts warehouse is the most common example. A checking account is another example of stock: a monetary fund waiting to be used.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Limit Your Inputs

Limit Your Inputs

Today we are living in a time when each of us has access to far more information than we could ever reasonably use in a lifetime. We convince ourselves that we must be aware of everything, that it’s part of our responsibility. We don’t want to miss out on anything, not even the latest nonsense. So we spend precious time following the news, social media, meetings, reports… obtaining any kind of feedback.

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