Tag: “Decision Making”

Personal Productivity

Want to Be More Productive? Go to Sleep

Want to Be More Productive? Go to Sleep

Cutting back on your sleep time because you have to work is, generally speaking, a bad idea. Sometimes it may seem necessary because someone has set an arbitrary deadline for a certain project and you have to spend a few days working 14 hours to make it on time.

Personal Productivity

Principles of Personal Productivity

Principles of Personal Productivity

If you are a reader of this blog, you may be looking to organize yourself better so you can be more productive, or you are simply looking to expand your knowledge and skills to better manage your life.

Getting Things Done - GTD

True Productivity Requires Proactivity

True Productivity Requires Proactivity

Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, as well as a Nazi concentration camp survivor, wrote the book Man’s Search for Meaning. In it, he analysed man’s capacity to overcome his difficulties from a psychiatric point of view. He explains that all human beings, unlike animals, have self-awareness and the ability to act on the basis of that awareness. This means that we’re capable of responding to a stimulus in a completely different way to what our instincts suggest and even to what we have been taught.

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