Tag: “Entrepreneurs”

Getting Things Done - GTD

How to Manage Your Time if You Are a Self-Employed Worker

How to Manage Your Time if You Are a Self-Employed Worker

Time management is a challenge for anyone. However, if there is one type of professional that faces it as a challenge and an obligation at the same time, that is the independent one.

Personal Productivity

Why You Should Dollarize Your Time

Why You Should Dollarize Your Time

Are you sure that reading this article is the best thing you can be doing in the next two or three minutes? There comes a time in everyone’s life where they realize that time is their most valuable asset. However, sometimes this epiphany comes too late for some people, when there’s no much time left to enjoy.

Personal Productivity

Fear As a Motivator

Fear As a Motivator

Fear is an interesting thing that I’ve written about from time to time. In this post I’d like to explore the ways that fear can be a source of energy and motivation if you can learn how to turn it into something positive. In fact, if you learn to recognize your fears and use them to your favor, they may help you achieve your goals.

Personal Productivity

Why Should You Have a Side Project

Why Should You Have a Side Project

It often seems that side projects are only an entrepreneurial thing, that they are done just by people who seek a new or alternative way to get money and make a living. Of course, that might be the target of a side project, but you don’t need to think about working on a side project only in terms of starting another company. Having a personal side project, apart from your usual work, has many other benefits:

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