Tag: “Habits”

Getting Things Done - GTD

Productivity and Making Decisions

Productivity and Making Decisions

Many people think that a personal productivity system consists of some software and/or a calendar and/or an ordered to-do list and/or a series of notes or documents relating to all this. However, this is nothing more than the physical, tangible part — the least important — of a personal productivity system.

Personal Productivity

Why not everyone wants to be productive

Why not everyone wants to be productive

Something that all the people interested in the existing methods of personal organization and productivity have in common is a deep desire to reach a future state much better than today’s. These people have control over what is happening and, therefore, seek ways to do things better, faster or easier. They are people willing to admit that they might need to change some habits. This leads to a paradox: people who want to be more productive are actually those who need it the least.

Personal Productivity

Slow down to be productive

Slow down to be productive

Have you ever reached the point where, despite feeling like going for a walk (or any other banal activity), you do not do it because you think it will be a waste of time? I certainly have been there.

Personal Productivity

Routines: Define your own rhythm of life

Routines: Define your own rhythm of life

Routines are sets of actions we perform frequently, almost automatically, without much effort. They are mechanisms we devise to make our life easier. By turning many of the things we have to do into routines, we establish habits that allow us to free our brain, since they are tasks of which we do not have to think too much to carry them out.

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