Tag: “Organization”

Personal Productivity

Get Ready to Be Productive

Get Ready to Be Productive

Everyone has things to do. At home and at work, personal and professional. And everyone has a particular way of remembering what things they have to do. Some write them down on a piece of paper, others enter them into a mobile app, others rely on their memory, and others use a combination of different methods.

Personal Productivity

Deliberate Practice: How to Become an Expert

Deliberate Practice: How to Become an Expert

The Swedish psychologist K. Anders Ericsson spent a lot of time investigating how experts in different fields (such as medicine, music, athletics or chess) acquire a higher level of performance than others, and how important deliberate practice is in that process.

Personal Productivity

To Be Productive You Have to Stop Thinking About Productivity

To Be Productive You Have to Stop Thinking About Productivity

Some people make the pursuit of productivity a never-ending quest. They keep reading books and articles related to the subject to learn about new methods and techniques, learn about specific use cases and discover what is the latest trending technology in the field. They feel the need to try every app that promises to fix their life.

Business Productivity

Personal Time Management in Companies

Personal Time Management in Companies

I still hear in certain management environments and business schools that it is crucial for healthy time management to separate between personal and work-related aspects of life.

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