Tag: “Reflect”

Getting Things Done - GTD

Principles and Values

Principles and Values

Principles are fundamental rules or ideas that guide thought or behaviour, and constitute a frame of reference for achieving the common good within a society. They are universal by nature. The principle of equality (all human beings are equal before the law, regardless of race, gender, nationality, social status or any other characteristic) is an example of a universal ethical principle.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Basic GTD: Incubating

Basic GTD: Incubating

When you are processing your inbox, that is, clarifying the meaning of those things you have captured before, you will probably find some that don’t need any action right now but might need it in the future. They are actions like the following:

Getting Things Done - GTD

Reach Balance through Your Areas of Responsibility

Reach Balance through Your Areas of Responsibility

The GTD capturing phase has normally got a reactive nature. This means that you will be doing some work, going for a walk, or in the cinema, and suddenly, you see something, someone tells you something, you remember something or an idea comes to your mind. So you capture it to avoid the stress of having it at the back of your mind all the time or making you feel worried you might forget it.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Convention Over Configuration

Convention Over Configuration

Convention over configuration is a simple concept that is primarily used in programming. It means that the environment in which you work (systems, libraries, language…) assumes many logical situations by default, so if you adapt to them rather than creating your own rules each time, programming becomes an easier and more productive task.

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