Tag: “Teams”

Business Productivity

6 Benefits of Using GTD in the Workplace

6 Benefits of Using GTD in the Workplace

Business productivity is defined as the ratio between the production obtained and the resources used to obtain that production. It’s, therefore, an indicator of efficiency. The objective is always to do more with less.

Business Productivity

Time Theft and Productivity in the Age of COVID-19

Time Theft and Productivity in the Age of COVID-19

There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for all businesses and their employees. One of the most prevalent adjustments many have had to make is in respect to remote operations. For those that have previously relied upon office spaces, it can be a bit of a bumpy ride handling unfamiliar practices and a shift in team dynamics. Some teams have had to learn from scratch how to collaborate successfully in a remote setting.

Business Productivity

How to Make Remote Employees Feel Included

How to Make Remote Employees Feel Included

Remote employees are those people who are employed by an organization but work outside the main office either at home or in a different town or city. While remote working is convenient for professionals who do it, it comes with a lot of challenges. Studies have shown that remote employees are prone to more stress compared to onsite staff. They also experience interference when working from home and put in long working hours compared to their office-based counterparts.

Business Productivity

6 Tips to Make Your Virtual Meetings More Productive

6 Tips to Make Your Virtual Meetings More Productive

Working from home became the new norm since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. It allows everyone to stay safe through social distancing, and it keeps the business going.

Business Productivity

How to Use AI to Make Your Team More Productive

How to Use AI to Make Your Team More Productive

Artificial intelligence or AI might have a bad reputation thanks to popular media and tech giants like Elon Musk maligning its eventual invention. In its current incarnation, however, it is becoming one of the best tools for team efficiency and productivity on the market. How can you use AI to make you and your team more productive?

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