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Changelog (July 2020)

Changelog (July 2020)

In the last weeks we have been working on improving the application performance, adding some functional improvements, and solving small errors or friction points that you have reported to us.

Personal Productivity

5 Home Office Ideas That Will Encourage Your Productivity

5 Home Office Ideas That Will Encourage Your Productivity

Working at home can seem like a wonderful experience. What those who don’t work at home sometimes have trouble understanding is that having a home office also comes with certain challenges. There are no strict office hours as a time limit, no coworkers to turn to for help, and lastly, no one to boost your motivation and productivity. Without external motivators, your productivity level can easily fluctuate and decrease consistently.

Personal Productivity

How to Be Productive Working from Home as a Parent

How to Be Productive Working from Home as a Parent

The Coronavirus pandemic has swept the globe in ways many people couldn’t even imagine. The illness that has infected more than two million people across the globe has done much more than cause people to get sick. It has impacted the job market as well.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Is GTD for You?

Is GTD for You?

Many people who approach the GTD methodology (Getting Things Done) don’t really know what it is and how it can benefit them. In this article I’ll try to make that second part clearer.

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