Tag: “Basic GTD”

Getting Things Done - GTD

What Are Your Next Actions?

What Are Your Next Actions?

Those of us who use GTD as a personal organization system start by capturing or collecting in a trusted place everything we think we need to do something about. A trusted place is one that allows us to consult or retrieve that information at any time; it can be a notebook, a smartphone, a web application, etc.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Basic GTD: Incubating

Basic GTD: Incubating

When you are processing your inbox, that is, clarifying the meaning of those things you have captured before, you will probably find some that don’t need any action right now but might need it in the future. They are actions like the following:

Getting Things Done - GTD

Basic GTD: Delegate it

Basic GTD: Delegate it

Delegating is one of the options you have when you are processing or clarifying what the things you’ve been capturing in your GTD system mean. To get to delegate something, first you have been following this process:

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