Tag: “Motivation”

Getting Things Done - GTD

Falling off the wagon

Falling off the wagon

The phrase “falling off the wagon” is commonly used when we want to say that, despite our good intentions to acquire a certain habit, we have not been able to. We ended up leaving. We screwed up.

Personal Productivity

How NOT to be a master of productivity

How NOT to be a master of productivity

Recently I wrote a post about one of the main factors that motivates people to get things done: the pursuit of mastery. Or, what is the same, trying to get the greatest possible knowledge about what we really like to do (it’s hard to keep the necessary motivation to improve on something we do not like, even if it’s what feeds us).

Personal Productivity

Fear As a Motivator

Fear As a Motivator

Fear is an interesting thing that I’ve written about from time to time. In this post I’d like to explore the ways that fear can be a source of energy and motivation if you can learn how to turn it into something positive. In fact, if you learn to recognize your fears and use them to your favor, they may help you achieve your goals.

Personal Productivity

Why not everyone wants to be productive

Why not everyone wants to be productive

Something that all the people interested in the existing methods of personal organization and productivity have in common is a deep desire to reach a future state much better than today’s. These people have control over what is happening and, therefore, seek ways to do things better, faster or easier. They are people willing to admit that they might need to change some habits. This leads to a paradox: people who want to be more productive are actually those who need it the least.

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