Tag: “Organize”

Getting Things Done - GTD

GTD for Students

GTD for Students

Whether you are studying a master’s degree or learning a new language on your own, you will surely have to mix studying with other activities such as working or running a household.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Basic GTD: The Principle

Basic GTD: The Principle

GTD is a tool whose goal is to eliminate the feeling of having too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. It is based on the principle that we must negotiate our internal commitments effectively.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Basic GTD: Organizing non-actionable data

Basic GTD: Organizing non-actionable data

One of the greatest advantages of GTD is that it allows, from the beginning, to separate actionable stuff from things that have value but do not require doing anything, at least right now. This results in a much more clear and unclogged work area.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Basic GTD: Organizing Projects

Basic GTD: Organizing Projects

In addition to organizing your actions, you need a Project List to keep all those results that require more than one action step to get done. This is an index that will remind you that, even if you have defined any actions in this regard, there are still more action steps needed to reach the final result.

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