Tag: “Workplace”

Personal Productivity

Meditation Techniques To Boost Productivity at Work

Meditation Techniques To Boost Productivity at Work

We often picture meditation as something we can only do when we are at leisure, in comfortable surroundings. But most of our stress doesn’t always come from our leisure time – it comes from work.

Personal Productivity

How to Organize Your Workplace to Boost Creative Thinking

How to Organize Your Workplace to Boost Creative Thinking

Have you ever thought about how your workplace influences your efficiency and productivity? Well, you definitely should, as your surroundings drastically affect your mood and your creative thinking.

Personal Productivity

4 Types of Work Environments and How to Optimize Them for Productivity

4 Types of Work Environments and How to Optimize Them for Productivity

The quality of your workspace can have a lot to do with how your employees work. A bad workplace environment can cause distraction, frustration and even long-term mental distress in your employees — all of which are bad for your company’s bottom line. A good environment, on the other hand, can inspire creative ideas, motivate focused work and make your office a place your employees actually look forward to spending time.

Business Productivity

Introverts, Workspaces And Performance

Introverts, Workspaces And Performance

When the psychologists Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Gregory Feist studied the lives of the most creative people in a wide variety of fields, they discovered that most of them were sufficiently introverted to spend large amounts of time alone. Introverts feel more comfortable in solitude, and that is a great stimulus for creativity.

Personal Productivity

5 Ways to Become the Most Productive Employee You Know

5 Ways to Become the Most Productive Employee You Know

Visiting the coffee maker for the sixth time today? Sometimes, you’ve just got to get things done on deadline, or maybe you’ve got a big evaluation coming up and want to prove to your manager you deserve that raise.

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