Tag: “Workplace”

Personal Productivity

Working Alone to Be More Productive?

Working Alone to Be More Productive?

Many companies design open work spaces so that all employees are in constant communication, since they believe that higher collaboration will allow them to be more productive. Group brainstorming dynamics are used again and again as a mechanism to get more and better ideas about any subject. In our society, and especially in the business world, while cooperative group work is very much appreciated, individual work is undervalued.

Personal Productivity

ROWE: Results Only Work Environment

ROWE: Results Only Work Environment

A Results Only Work Environment is a human resource management strategy in which employees are remunerated depending on their results instead of the hours they have worked.

Personal Productivity

Is It Possible to Be Happy at Work?

Is It Possible to Be Happy at Work?

I don’t know if everyone is able to feel it, but happiness at work exists. Most of us have experienced what Mihály Csíkszentmihályi calls a state of flow, a time when you’re absorbed in your creativity and feel a great satisfaction developing your work. Even if you are working, those moments of happiness are perfectly comparable to those you spend with your family and friends.

Personal Productivity

Control Your Environment

Control Your Environment

When we try to be effective in what we have to do, when we try to be productive or—from a wider perspective—try to be happy, we are accustomed to act on the factors that we can control and keep our fingers crossed so that other environmental factors that we cannot control show up well, or at least turn out not to be too hostile.

Personal Productivity

Dealing with Stress at Work and Life

Dealing with Stress at Work and Life

Unfortunately, we have increasingly assumed that working under a lot of pressure is the most natural thing in the world. It’s like part of the game. It’s like something included in our salary. Are we paid to suffer? No way! The pressure with which people work in many companies, and the stress that comes from it, are problems that affect both the employee and the company, and both should try to solve them.

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