June 2021: Here is where we are at
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Getting Things Done - GTD
GTD is presented primarily as a personal management system; it proposes a set of best organizational practices for individuals to effectively manage both their personal and professional lives. This individualistic approach makes it a bit difficult to see how these practices relate to teamwork.
Personal Productivity
You know what it’s like when you walk into a place, be it a store, restaurant, or coffee shop, and “the energy just isn’t right?” You can’t put your finger on it, but it’s all just wrong. You can’t relax, focus on what you are supposed to be doing in there, and can’t wait to get out of there.
Personal Productivity
I believe that one of the main reasons why many people aren’t well organized and live overwhelmed by the pressure of their work and personal tasks is that they fail to establish the necessary habits to calmly keep everything under control.
It is possible that today you have found new items on your calendar that you did not have before 1. We have published an update on the process of integrating the FacileThings calendar with Google Calendar that, as a novelty, allows you to keep the recurring Google events in sync.
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