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Personal Productivity

Seven Productivity Secrets All Entrepreneurs Must Know

Seven Productivity Secrets All Entrepreneurs Must Know

Being a productive entrepreneur is not easy. There are so many distractions around that can hinder progress and goals. However, things are not so hopeless. There are many tools and techniques you can use to increase your productivity.


Changelog (August 2021)

Changelog (August 2021)

In recent weeks we have been working on a number of small improvements throughout the entire application, which I will detail:

Personal Productivity

Why Assigning Priority to Your Tasks Is Not a Good Idea?

Why Assigning Priority to Your Tasks Is Not a Good Idea?

Traditional management systems, both personal and for business, are based on the assignment of priority to each of the projects or actions to be carried out. It’s so common that, to a greater or lesser extent, we are all accustomed to working that way.

Personal Productivity

Top Productivity Systems That Can Help With Personal Productivity

Top Productivity Systems That Can Help With Personal Productivity

If you have observed very well, distractions can come in various ways while you are tending to a particular assignment. It is so bad that even when you are bound by a fast-approaching deadline, you find yourself succumbing to some form of distraction. For example, you are in the middle of doing an article, your phone is nearby and then a notification on Facebook pops up letting you know it is a close friend’s wedding anniversary. You get tempted to send a quick message and before you know it, picture reminders of years past start popping up also and you remember you were working after an hour of being on Facebook!

Getting Things Done - GTD

How to Use GTD to Work with Your Collaborators

How to Use GTD to Work with Your Collaborators

GTD is primarily a personal management tool, but that doesn’t mean that the methodology doesn’t cover your relationship with other people or entities from an organizational point of view. It does, and it does it very well.

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