Category: “Getting Things Done - GTD”

Getting Things Done - GTD

How to Manage Problems with GTD

How to Manage Problems with GTD

We all have problems, constantly, almost every day. But what are problems exactly? According to the dictionary they are difficulties with dubious solution, circumstances that hinder the achievement of a goal. But the most important thing is that they are issues that need to be clarified, because they either become an obstacle on the way to your goals or they cause you a stress that you do not want to live with.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Do You Have a Daily Action Plan?

Do You Have a Daily Action Plan?

The alarm goes off. A long day ahead to enjoy, but also a million things to do. You feel relaxed or worried about all the things you still need to do?

Getting Things Done - GTD

Being Organized Is All about Lists

Being Organized Is All about Lists

While some people believe that GTD is a personal management system somewhat complicated to implement, the truth is that it’s extremely simple. Technically, it’s just about managing lists, and that’s something that is available to all of us. Lists let you capture an inventory of all your activities and review it when necessary.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Why We Love Doing Things That Don’t Matter

Why We Love Doing Things That Don’t Matter

To-do lists can be really useful when used properly. The problem is that a lot of times we use them wrong. And one of the most common mistakes is writing down simple things that we can cross out easily to make ourselves feel well.

Getting Things Done - GTD

The GTD Phenomenon, Fad or Necessity?

The GTD Phenomenon, Fad or Necessity?

The GTD phenomenon appeared over 15 years ago, and maybe due to that the more skeptic want to say it’s dead. The truth is it was quite a “trend” some years ago. According to Google, the “Getting Things Done” search grew significantly in 2005 and it reached his maximum at 2007. However, the acronym GTD (much more popular outside the Anglo-Saxon world) took up the torch since then, and the graphic shows that the interest has been constant from then on.

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