Category: “Getting Things Done - GTD”

Getting Things Done - GTD

Why I Stopped Using Pocket to Capture Stuff

Why I Stopped Using Pocket to Capture Stuff

I suppose you know Pocket. It is an excellent service that allows you to save all kinds of links to read or watch later. It integrates perfectly with all your social media, your email, your browsers and all your mobile devices, so that whenever you find something that seems interesting, wherever you are, and you don’t have enough time to go through it thoroughly, you can capture it with just a simple click to look it up later. Frankly, I believe it’s a great idea.

Getting Things Done - GTD

About clicks, shortcuts, speed and other productivity bullshit

About clicks, shortcuts, speed and other productivity bullshit

In forums regarding personal productivity, GTD, and mainly, personal management apps, I always find quite a big percentage of people who are really worried about questions regarding speed. Why do I need to double click, when I could just click once? why isn’t there a keyboard shortcut for every operation in the app? why does it take a few minutes to perform a specific process instead of just seconds? etc.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Take Care of Your Energy and Be More Productive This Summer

Take Care of Your Energy and Be More Productive This Summer

One of the factors that influence the most in your personal productivity is the energy you have when you need to face a task. It’s obvious that if you’re feeling tired, moody, distracted or grumpy, you won’t be capable of keeping the same level of attention to what you are doing and because of this you either will take longer to complete the task or the final result will be worse. But usually, both things will happen.

Getting Things Done - GTD

10 Reasons Why GTD Might Be Failing

10 Reasons Why GTD Might Be Failing

Your life was a complete chaos and you decided to put it together once and for all. You had heard or read about GTD somewhere and that sentence, the art of stress-free productivity, sounded just like the perfect solution for your organisation problem. However, you’ve been using this methodology on a daily basis for a while now, and, even though things are certainly improving, you don’t feel as if it has made a significant change in your personal productivity.

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