
Getting Things Done - GTD
The main function of a to-do list is to organize and prioritize the tasks you have to do. Besides, they allow you to gain a certain sense of control and peace of mind, since you know you don’t need to remember what’s on it.
Getting Things Done - GTD
David Allen wrote the book Getting Things Done. The Art of Stress-Free Productivity in 2001 and it quickly became the handbook of personal productivity best practices par excellence.
Getting Things Done - GTD
Getting Things Done is a personal productivity method that is easy to learn as everything it teaches is common sense, yet it can be difficult to put into practice, at least at first. There are a number of habits you need to implement, and creating habits you don’t have can be hard.
Getting Things Done - GTD
Capturing is certainly the easiest productive habit to explain within the GTD methodology and also the easiest to understand:
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