Tag: “Engage”


Changelog (August 2021)

Changelog (August 2021)

In recent weeks we have been working on a number of small improvements throughout the entire application, which I will detail:

Getting Things Done - GTD

What Does “Stuff” Mean in the GTD Methodology?

What Does “Stuff” Mean in the GTD Methodology?

We have never been so connected before. This connectivity is fully integrated into our lives, 24 hours a day, through the devices we carry with us at all times. Notifications and vibrations compete tirelessly for our attention, and of course, apps are designed to grab our attention for as long as possible.

Getting Things Done - GTD

What Are Your Next Actions?

What Are Your Next Actions?

Those of us who use GTD as a personal organization system start by capturing or collecting in a trusted place everything we think we need to do something about. A trusted place is one that allows us to consult or retrieve that information at any time; it can be a notebook, a smartphone, a web application, etc.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Laziness, the Enemy of Action

Laziness, the Enemy of Action

Laziness, together with fear, is one of the greatest enemies of actions. Although it usually has a negative connotation, the truth is that laziness is somehow included in animal and human nature. It’s the unwillingness to work or use energy, despite having the ability to do so, and there can be different causes:

Getting Things Done - GTD

How to Be a Productive Entrepreneur

How to Be a Productive Entrepreneur

You’ve been developing a business idea in your head for a while now and you think it might work. You could finally have your own business, do what you like, make the decisions and not depend on anyone. What you’ve always wanted.

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