Tag: “Habits”

Personal Productivity

Control Your Environment

Control Your Environment

When we try to be effective in what we have to do, when we try to be productive or—from a wider perspective—try to be happy, we are accustomed to act on the factors that we can control and keep our fingers crossed so that other environmental factors that we cannot control show up well, or at least turn out not to be too hostile.

Personal Productivity

The Path to Self Improvement

The Path to Self Improvement

No matter how much you develop the necessary skills to improve any given aspect of your life, you can always get better. There is no book, no method, no person, nor tool that can bring you to perfection in any area of ​​your life. Getting better, improving yourself, is a never-ending process.

Getting Things Done - GTD

How GTD Supports your Behavior Patterns

How GTD Supports your Behavior Patterns

Any person or organization wishing to develop a product—whether it’s a web application, a toaster or a building—must take into account how the people who will use the product usually behave. This is essential to design the product so that it’s easy to understand and use.

Personal Productivity

The Cult of Speed, a Productivity Misconception

The Cult of Speed, a Productivity Misconception

The concept of productivity is being carried to an extreme that I don’t like at all. I agree that time is precious and we should not waste it. But I do not agree that we should lose our essence as human beings to not give a second up as lost.

Personal Productivity

Small Changes: Building Habits Little by Little

Small Changes: Building Habits Little by Little

Habits are a fulcrum to make your life better. But changes always cause resistance, right? If instead of a change, you see it as a subtle adjustment to the way you work, you may create the habit less traumatically. You do what you usually do, but in a slightly different way.

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