Tag: “Organization”

Personal Productivity

How NOT to be a master of productivity

How NOT to be a master of productivity

Recently I wrote a post about one of the main factors that motivates people to get things done: the pursuit of mastery. Or, what is the same, trying to get the greatest possible knowledge about what we really like to do (it’s hard to keep the necessary motivation to improve on something we do not like, even if it’s what feeds us).

Personal Productivity

Should you use productivity formal methods?

Should you use productivity formal methods?

GTD, Autofocus, ZTD, Pomodoro technique, Personal Kanban… Personal productivity has always been surrounded by different formal methods intended to systematize our behavior to make it less erratic and allow us to better focus on what we have to do. From time to time there is a new method — or a variation of an existing one — supported by a handful of evangelists, which enjoys a period of relative popularity… until it is replaced by the next.

Personal Productivity

Learn to track your time

Learn to track your time

Do you feel you are not being productive? Does your time go by and you don’t know exactly why? Whatever personal productivity system you are using—and even if you’re not using one at all—the most simple and direct method to increase your productivity is to write down the time you spend getting different things done throughout your day.

Personal Productivity

You don't need to get so organized

You don't need to get so organized

Given that in this blog we often highlight the benefits of a good personal organization, not only as a vehicle to achieve your professional and personal goals, but to do so in a relaxed and controlled way, the title of this article may seem somewhat contradictory. But there is no cheating. Go easy with your organization.

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