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Personal Productivity

Five Tech Tricks to Cope with Stress When Working Away From Home

Five Tech Tricks to Cope with Stress When Working Away From Home

Working from home can be an unfair advantage as much as it can be a burden. With the rise of technology, many companies tend to outstaff part of their workers to cut business costs. It might seem that distant jobs are way more beneficial than on-site ones because remote workers enjoy flexible working hours, less supervision, and larger freedom.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Principles and Values

Principles and Values

Principles are fundamental rules or ideas that guide thought or behaviour, and constitute a frame of reference for achieving the common good within a society. They are universal by nature. The principle of equality (all human beings are equal before the law, regardless of race, gender, nationality, social status or any other characteristic) is an example of a universal ethical principle.

Personal Productivity

8 Factors That Determine Workplace Happiness and Productivity

8 Factors That Determine Workplace Happiness and Productivity

Most employers seem to think that money is the most important factor in job satisfaction. After all, people work to earn a living and a competitive salary does seem like a reasonable exchange for their services. However, there’s more to work than just money. There are different factors that play into workplace happiness and productivity.

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