Getting Things Done - GTD
Falling off the wagon
The phrase “falling off the wagon” is commonly used when we want to say that, despite our good intentions to acquire a certain habit, we have not been able to. We ended up leaving. We screwed up.
Getting Things Done - GTD
The phrase “falling off the wagon” is commonly used when we want to say that, despite our good intentions to acquire a certain habit, we have not been able to. We ended up leaving. We screwed up.
Personal Productivity
Unfortunately, we all have to waste some of our precious time waiting somewhere. At the airport, at the doctor’s office, at the bank, at the postal office, in a appointment with an unpunctual person… There is a good amount of waiting times we do not choose or plan, so that when they arrive, we just try to spend the time the best possible.
Personal Productivity
Today, our productivity is always threatened by the existence of constant interruptions that we cannot control. An interruption is anything that prevents you from starting and ending an important task. It is hard to do the important things and ignore the trivial when the universe is conspiring against you.
Personal Productivity
It is so easy to get used to the daily routines and the usual way in which we do our things. Doing things “as always” allows us to feel comfortable because—right or wrong—we control our own little world.
Getting Things Done - GTD
It is great to have powerful tools that give us confidence and enthusiasm, but let’s face it, all this functionality is sometimes translated into complex personal management systems. Either because we do not go beyond the basics in the learning phase, or because we do not perform a self-analysis, reflection process about how we are using it, software sometimes becomes an inert stuff in which we do not evolve.
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