Tag: “Health”

Personal Productivity

Holidays: Should I slow down... or accelerate?

Holidays: Should I slow down... or accelerate?

Now that you are on vacation or about to start (if you have already finished your holidays, I am late, but still read on and use the advice on your next ones), surely you will have plenty of spare time that you will try to spend, within your means and according to your circumstances, doing things you really enjoy. Actually, you should try to do things you like throughout the year, and you should work on something you like as well, so that every minute of your life counts… but this is not the subject of this post.

Personal Productivity

Two Ways of Thinking, One Objective

Two Ways of Thinking, One Objective

Surely you are aware that there are times in your life when you have thoughts like, “What can I do to be more competitive or productive?” “How can I improve my skills and advance my career?” “Should I move to this or that city?” This kind of big-picture thinking is called divergent, and is the one you use to generate ideas when you face a problem.

Personal Productivity

How to fight interruptions

How to fight interruptions

Today, our productivity is always threatened by the existence of constant interruptions that we cannot control. An interruption is anything that prevents you from starting and ending an important task. It is hard to do the important things and ignore the trivial when the universe is conspiring against you.

Personal Productivity

Being a Professional Doesn't Mean Working More

Being a Professional Doesn't Mean Working More

The term workaholic is used to define people who are addicted to work. In the best case, this problem comes from having a strong motivation for what you are doing, but far more often it comes as a result of poor organization which, over time, has led you to spend unnecessary hours at work in order to achieve the results you need. Instead of refining the way you work to become more efficient, you have decided to use brute force.

Personal Productivity

How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmingly Busy

How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmingly Busy

Are you always busy? Do you often feel overwhelmed by all the things you have to do? If you have entered a cycle where you don’t even have time to think, you can be sure that while you are doing many things, most of them will not make any real difference in your sense of being overwhelmed. Sometimes being busy is just a form of lazy thinking and ineffective action.

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