Tag: “Project Management”


New Project Management Interface [IMAGES]

New Project Management Interface [IMAGES]

The new user interface of FacileThings is about to come to light. In a few days a Beta release that covers the Project Management section will be published, so you can check it out.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Long-term projects can be tricky

Long-term projects can be tricky

One of my favorites David Allen’s statements is that you cannot do projects, you can only do action steps. In the end, a project shows up as done after doing a lot of small, physical and visible actions that make the world fits with what you had in mind.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Why do you need GTD if you work alone

Why do you need GTD if you work alone

If you work alone, you are self-employed, freelance or a solo entrepreneur, chances are that in your daily activity, you get entangled doing urgent things that do not lead anywhere. It is also very easy that time flies when you are doing things that are pleasing, although totally unproductive. Indeed, your internet connection can be a death trap.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Your Projects List, complete

Your Projects List, complete

One of the most interesting components of GTD is the Projects List. Having a list of projects is an amazing discovery for those who are accustomed to working with a simple to-do list.

Getting Things Done - GTD

Basic GTD: Natural Planning

Basic GTD: Natural Planning

Sometimes we need some kind of rigor to keep complex projects under control, find a solution or determine the right steps to take in order to complete them successfully.

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